The Harmonized System and the importance of its elements in the classification of goods

Main Article Content

Yanela Marina Aguilar-Loayza
Maryury Lizeth Mendoza-Córdova
Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero


The purpose of the research is to introduce readers to the most relevant information about the tariff, its objective is to analyse the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, through the use of bibliographic sources that allows us to enrich knowledge of its elements that most influence the tariff classification. For its development, materials such as scientific and review articles, books and confidential websites were used, regarding the use of theoretical methods, analytical-synthetic and deductive-inductive methods were used, it should be noted that what is expected is that the importance of the elements of the Harmonized System in understood to avoid certain classification errors, that can position you in a situation of economic risk or in a problem at the time of carrying out the commercial operation.

To do this, an analysis of the topic in question is offered, in such a way that it allows to consider fulfilled the objective of the research. In short, it is concluded that the designation and codification of the products, has facilitated international trade since it has made it possible to register, identify and classify goods in a more optimal way, in turns, it can keep better control of business operations.


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How to Cite
Aguilar-Loayza, Y., Mendoza-Córdova, M., & Arias-Montero , J. (2022). The Harmonized System and the importance of its elements in the classification of goods. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-1), 93-105.
Author Biographies

Yanela Marina Aguilar-Loayza, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Throughout my academic career I have participated in events such as ExpoCiencias, in turn, I have obtained two certificates that support my interest in research. It is for this reason, that for me degree process I have chosen to publish a review article, in this way, obtain my professional degree. 

Maryury Lizeth Mendoza-Córdova, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador 0000-0003-3814-6841

Within my process to become a profesional I have taken several challenges that have been a fundamental part of my performance. On several occasions I participated in seminars, Expociencias and fórums that were clearly linked to research, thus giving the worthy importance to the interest in research. As a result, I have chosen to publish a review article to complete my degree process.  

Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

My name is Eduardo Arias Montero, professor of the Foreign Trade career at the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala, I analyze international trade in its different stages of negotiation, for which I have prepared myself by researching on it, I have given trainings and presentations in different Congresses related to the branch, I am currently developing research on "Sustainable Development with other fellow teachers of the faculty. 


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