Quality of service management in four-fork restaurants, Portoviejo case study

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Jessica Paola Loor-Bravo
Estefanía Monserrate Vélez-Moreira


The objective of this mixed-type research was to diagnose the management of service quality in four-fork restaurants in the city of Portoviejo, province of Manabí. The research approach was non-experimental mixed, in which analytical, descriptive and exploratory methods were applied. Through a sample, the population under study was established, consisting of the diners of the establishment, in order to collect relevant data on the management of quality of service applying the ServPerf model, as well as interviews with administrative and operational staff. This four-fork establishment has been providing restaurant services for several years, and is specialized in grilled meats. Among other attributes, it has trained personnel and quality certifications due to the hygiene and safety standards that apply in the product value chain. On the other hand, the application of the quality measurement instrument allowed to establish three dimensions: quality in the image of the establishment, quality in the performance of the employees and, finally, quality in the restaurant services. With the results obtained in the SWOT analysis, three strategies were established that respond to the dimensions evaluated. The investigation concluded that the current management model of the La Parrilla de Mosko restaurant must implement a new one that enhances the image of said establishment, as well as the skills and abilities of its employees, which are the key to generating an optimal quality of service.

Keywords: Quality management, Test ServPerf, restoration service, quality of service


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How to Cite
Loor-Bravo, J., & Vélez-Moreira, E. (2022). Quality of service management in four-fork restaurants, Portoviejo case study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 382-393. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1296
Author Biographies

Jessica Paola Loor-Bravo, Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Engineer in Administration of Tourism Marketing Companies, with experience of more than 10 years in the public and private tourism sector. I currently work in the Tourism Development and Competitiveness Management Area, in the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, Manabí Technical Office.

Estefanía Monserrate Vélez-Moreira , Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Professional in Tourism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Quito. He has two postgraduate degrees: one in Tourism Direction and Management with a Mention in Tourism Destination Management from the Postgraduate University Institute – Spain and another in Public Administration with a Mention in Institutional Development from the Technological University of America. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate at UCO, she has been a teacher at PUCE Manabí since 2013, she was Director of Public and International Relations and current Director of Students.


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