The narrative as an element for the generation of the managing motif

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Delia Angélica Tirado-Lozada


The morphological processes developed in design educational institutions have limited the creative processes in students, since, by following traditionalist concepts dictated in the Three-Dimensional Basic Design subject, it has caused the morphological methods of design in students to stagnate; consequently, the design of objects does not present any innovation, and teachers look for methods that help develop versatile morphological processes that allow students to enhance their ability to generate new shapes in their products. The purpose of this research is to develop a morphological process that allows the generation of innovative products; narrative is used as an initial element for the conception of the managerial motive for interpreting new forms and concluding in the design of a product. The study makes it possible to demonstrate that the use of narrative can generate significant elements for the conception of objects.


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How to Cite
Tirado-Lozada , A. (2023). The narrative as an element for the generation of the managing motif . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 81-94.
Author Biography

Delia Angélica Tirado-Lozada , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador 0000-0001-6544-3716

The morphological processes developed in design educational institutions have limited the creative processes in students, since, by following traditionalist concepts dictated in the Three-Dimensional Basic Design subject, it has caused the morphological methods of design in students to stagnate; consequently, the design of objects does not present any innovation, and teachers look for methods that help develop versatile morphological processes that allow students to enhance their ability to generate new shapes in their products. The purpose of this research is to develop a morphological process that allows the generation of innovative products; narrative is used as an initial element for the conception of the managerial motive for interpreting new forms and concluding in the design of a product. The study makes it possible to demonstrate that the use of narrative can generate significant elements for the conception of objects. 


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