Evolution of the use of digital platforms for the acquisition of goods and services Postcovid19

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Andrea Yomaira Castillo-Tapuy
Arturo Fernando Montenegro-Ramírez


The current world is still in a health, social, and of course economic emergency, with a high level of uncertainty, many economies are closed and paralyzed, there are still quarantines and restrictions. Covid-19 has challenged the global socioeconomic system and in the same way Ecuadorian companies, which, because of the pandemic, have had to rethink their business model, mainly applying digital strategies, and the use of digital platforms for their transactions. commercial and the acquisition of goods and services with safe mechanisms and efficient tools, which causes a search for new strategies to balance their activities. Through a bibliographic review, this article aims to have a global and national vision of the evolution of digital platforms and their impact on the marketing of post-pandemic goods and services. Now, due to the ease of cost and accessibility, the trend is to take advantage of electronic transactions and digital technology to guarantee production, sustain the demand for goods and services, and avoid the paralysis of supply chains and their operations. It is concluded that the use and exploitation of virtual resources such as websites and mobile applications guarantee security in transactions, commercial interaction, and management in the management of multimedia digital objects, setting a positive impact on the way of doing business and the commercialization of goods and services.


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How to Cite
Castillo-Tapuy, A. Y., & Montenegro-Ramírez, A. F. (2022). Evolution of the use of digital platforms for the acquisition of goods and services Postcovid19 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 567-578. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-1.1280
Author Biographies

Andrea Yomaira Castillo-Tapuy, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


I’m a student at the Technical University of Ambato in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, I am studying the tenth semester in the Marketing and Business Management career, when carrying out this investigation it was possible to determine that the way of acquiring goods and services had a drastic change, Thus, through bibliographic studies related to post-pandemic consumer behavior, a contribution worthy of the academy is delivered. 

Arturo Fernando Montenegro-Ramírez, Universidad Técnica Ambato-Ecuador


I’m currently a teacher at the Technical University of Ambato, in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, my experience in this research emphasizes the changes that have occurred in the way of acquiring goods and services through digital platforms, making a broad contrast of the panorama that the pandemic produced of Covid-19, through this research we will analyze the evolution and changes that the post-pandemic market has.


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