Feasibility for the creation of a company destined to offer services for the Business Process Management, in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador
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This research details the technical financial analysis on the feasibility of creating a company destined to offer business process management services, in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, for this purpose in its development, strategies for analysis of opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths, for its constitution, with the support of a market study based on the collection of primary information, applying surveys directed to a specific population group. Inferring the financial factors to know if the project is profitable, with the analysis of its indicators. Methodologically, the existing literature is reviewed, referring to BPM, and the advantages it offers in its implementation in different companies to improve their processes, therefore, their sales and positioning. Finally, as the main conclusion, it is shown that the market study carried out determined that there is indeed an opportunity for a company that provides BPM services to others in the sector, since the results showed that percentages greater than 80% of the universe studied agree or they assertively indicate that for their organizations it is essential to interfere in this era of technological disruption and accompany their processes mediated by digital transformation.
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