Implication of academic training policies in teaching strategies in times of pandemic, University of Guayaquil

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Víctor Hugo Moscoso-Zamora
Karina Isabel Bricio-Samaniego
Julio Santiago Guime-Calero


The present study was carried out with the objective of assessing the implication of the Methodological-Academic Guide, Resolution No. R-CIFI-UG-SE24-124-29-05-2021, of the University of Guayaquil in the implementation of appropriate didactic strategies to the classroom context in times of pandemic, its impact on the teaching-learning process, and the level of educational quality in the pursuit of academic excellence. The methodological research design had a quantitative and interpretive approach, with a descriptive and explanatory scope, in addition, the methods were used; dialectical, analogical and inferential. The research was carried out in one of the most representative careers of the institution. Information was collected through the survey technique, using the Google forms tool, and for the tabulation and contrast of the results, Excel, and the SPSS Statistics software. The statistical results determined the levels of impact of the regulations on the didactic strategies used, as well as a direct and significant bilateral correlation, in the interaction between teachers and students.


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How to Cite
Moscoso-Zamora, V., Bricio-Samaniego, K., & Guime-Calero, J. (2022). Implication of academic training policies in teaching strategies in times of pandemic, University of Guayaquil. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 272-282.
Author Biographies

Víctor Hugo Moscoso-Zamora, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes - Perú    

Víctor Hugo Moscoso Zamora, University Professor for more than 27 years. PhD in Public and Private Planning from the National University of Tumbes. Mgs, in Teaching and Management of Higher Education. Research Professor, Professor of the subject Research Projects and Research Methodology, Pedagogical Manager. Curriculum of the University of Guayaquil.

Karina Isabel Bricio-Samaniego, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Magister in Market Research Espol, certified teacher-researcher granted by the Secretary of Higher Education SENESCYT of the Republic of Ecuador Registration No.-INV-15-01286. Project Coordinator at the National Institute of Statistics and Census INEC for 12 years. Professor at the State University of Santa Elena UPSE- (5 years). Currently teaching at the University of Guayaquil Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Marketing and Commercial Negotiation Career, Founder and President of the Support Foundation for Single Mothers in Action AMSE

Julio Santiago Guime-Calero, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador 

Julio Santiago Guime Calero, university teacher for more than 24 years.  Taking a doctorate in statistics and math.  Magister in international business and foreign trade management.  English level B2.  Teacher of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Business Model, Project Development at the Guayaquil university.


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