Right to Due Process in the Military Disciplinary Regime of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces

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Limber Javier Cabezas-Landa 
Erika Cristina García-Erazo


The military branches that make up the Ecuadorian Armed Forces are extremely important entities for the State to make effective the exercise of its sovereignty vis-à-vis other republics and to create a margin of security within the territory. In this context, it is essential that their actions, both external and internal, be framed within the provisions of the legal system, thus guaranteeing the legal security of the individuals to whom they provide service and of the members of the military ranks themselves, even more so in the disciplinary proceedings that may be carried out. 

The objective of this work is to analyze the way in which the Military Discipline Regulations approach disciplinary processes relating them to the principles and guarantees that make up the right to due process and defense from a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential approach through a qualitative method that allows identifying the most important aspects and, if necessary, enables the presentation of reform proposals that guarantee the constitutional rights of all military elements.




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How to Cite
Cabezas-Landa , L. J., & García-Erazo, E. C. . (2022). Right to Due Process in the Military Disciplinary Regime of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 36-47. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1262
Author Biographies

Limber Javier Cabezas-Landa , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica-Ecuador



Student of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, in the 8th semester of law school. The time of belonging to the Universidad Indoamérica has served me as a basis in the research field to generate articles of bibliographic review that comparatively analyze doctrinal, jurisprudential and normative elements on principles of law in terms of legal problems that can be detected in society.

Erika Cristina García-Erazo, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica-Ecuador



Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic, Master in Law, with a Certificate in University Teaching; currently a teacher and researcher at the Indoamérica Technological University; She has worked in the public sector where she has known the development of legal bases of Public Law, which have served as a basis in the exercise of the teaching and research career to generate bibliographic review articles that comparatively analyze doctrinal, jurisprudential and normative elements on principles of Law based on the legal problems that can be detected in the society


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