Inclusion of students with motor disabilities in the development of physical activity and sports
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The objective of this research is to analyze the inclusion of students with motor disabilities in the development of physical activity and sports. The research methodology was based on a documentary design. As results and conclusion, it was obtained that the educational inclusion of people with SEN allows the strengthening of all the people involved, both the peers without SEN and the teachers. Each group acquires knowledge of another and thus knowledge is formed, but above all solidarity and respect for others. However, the reality is different in some societies. When the insertion of students with this type of difficulties has been applied, many teachers have not yet lived this experience, they have not been trained to work with students with motor disabilities, so they do not use techniques and pedagogical strategies to work with them. . In this situation are the teachers of Physical Activity and Sports, who do not have the pedagogical development to involve people with motor disabilities in the evaluation activities of the subject, generating collateral effects of exclusion and rejection. It is necessary that the policies and mechanisms are aimed at strengthening the academic development of teachers in their training and in those who require training. It is important that teachers are involved in the development and training of all students with or without SEN.
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