Online sales of mass consumption products as a growth strategy for mypymes in Portoviejo city

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Héctor Lenín Cedeño-Fernández
David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo


Since the advent of the internet, online sales began to grow significantly, going from being a mechanism used by large company accounts, to being a fundamental tool for multiple businesses. In the present work, the role of online sales of mass consumption products in the growth of MSMEs on Calle Chile in the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador, was analyzed. The importance of this type of analysis lies in knowing if as a result of the pandemic changes began in this type of business, which, unlike the commercial dynamics in other sectors such as gastronomy or the trade of technologies, had not had the same process of commercial digitalization. Therefore, using questionnaires, we sought to determine if some aspects such as digital infrastructure, online sales, public development, among others, influenced the growth of these through the relationship with total sales. It was found that, unlike other studies, online sales do not represent an influential factor in the growth of the MSMEs analyzed.   


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Fernández, H. L., & Zaldumbide-Peralvo, D. A. (2022). Online sales of mass consumption products as a growth strategy for mypymes in Portoviejo city . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 386-394.
Author Biographies

Héctor Lenín Cedeño-Fernández, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí-Ecuador



Héctor Lenín Cedeño Fernández was born in Ecuador, in the city of Portoviejo. He has a third level degree as an Architect graduated from the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo. He is certified as an Operator of the National Public Procurement System. He has thirteen years of experience in various activities and departmental responsibilities at the General Hospital of Portoviejo. 

David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí-Ecuador



Research Professor at PUCE accredited by SENESCYT REG-INV-18-02846 PhD Candidate in Economics UCAB, Specialty in Circular Economy Wageningen University & Research, MASTER OF ECONOMICS Majoring in Environmental Management James Cook University, Marketing Engineer ESPE, Speaker and organizer of national and international scientific events. 


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