Digital divide and new communication technologies, in the students of the State University of Bolívar

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Martha Lissette Zambrano-Moreira
Danilo Renato Valle-Arellano
Luis Gerardo Santillán-López
Marcelo Gustavo Barriga-Tamay


The objective of this research is based on explaining the influence of new information and communication technologies in reducing the digital divide in students at the State University of Bolívar. The methodology applied in this study is based on a documentary-type bibliographic design. This research arises from the need to ensure that university students reduce the problems related to the use of the Internet, hoping that they will achieve the required learning during this period. Finally, it is concluded that reducing the digital divide within education is not an easy challenge. It is not only at the educational level but this depends on various aspects that the State is in charge of being able to correct this gap, not only digital but also of access as a result of the existing inequalities, which becomes the main challenge for the internet to arrive in optimal conditions. conditions to all students, guaranteeing their free access and the possibility of being able to obtain an adequate education in each of the students. This improvement will allow education to be included in the teaching-learning and integration factors, forming a whole, without leaving any student behind, achieving that there are more competent professionals capable of facing any situation by having adequate digital skills.


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Moreira, M. L., Valle-Arellano, D. R., Santillán-López, L. G., & Barriga-Tamay, M. G. (2022). Digital divide and new communication technologies, in the students of the State University of Bolívar . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 259-268.
Author Biographies

Martha Lissette Zambrano-Moreira, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar-Ecuador


Master in Corporate Communication and specialist in Corporate Image, with more than 30 years of experience in academia, organizations and spoken, written and television media. 

Last positions: Academic Career Coordinator and teacher at the State University of Bolivar, Teacher of the Communication Career and Academic Administrative Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Journalism at the Technical University of Ambato, Assistant and Institutional Communicator at IAEN (Universidad de Postgrados del Estado), Zonal 3; Communication Analyst and Communication Advisor at Senplades Zone 3 Center, and Director of Programming and News at Radio Ritmo 95; journalist at Ambavisión (Channel 2), journalist and editor of La Hora-Tungurahua Newspaper. 

Danilo Renato Valle-Arellano, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar-Ecuador


Master in Communication and Business Management DirCom, with more than 10 years of experience in institutional and academic fields. 

The last positions: Professor at the State University of Bolívar, Communication Career; Analyst in Citizen Attention in District 02D03 Chimbo-San Miguel; TV reporter at RTU and Ecuador TV; Public relations officer at the Sports Federation of Bolívar 

Luis Gerardo Santillán-López, Universidad de Guayaquil-Ecuador




A university professor, he has a 22-year career with degrees obtained in Commercial Engineering, Master's in Business Administration, from the Federico Santa María Technical University of Chile, and doctoral studies at the National University of Tumbes, Peru. Organizational Consultant and Independent Researcher. Principal Professor at the University of Guayaquil.

Marcelo Gustavo Barriga-Tamay, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar-Ecuador


Master in Corporate Communication and specialist in Corporate Image, with more than 30 years of experience in academia, organizations and spoken, written and television media. 

Last positions: Academic Career Coordinator and teacher at the State University of Bolivar, Teacher of the Communication Career and Academic Administrative Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Journalism at the Technical University of Ambato, Assistant and Institutional Communicator at IAEN (Universidad de Postgrados del Estado), Zonal 3; Communication Analyst and Communication Advisor at Senplades Zone 3 Center, and Director of Programming and News at Radio Ritmo 95; journalist at Ambavisión (Channel 2), journalist and editor of La Hora-Tungurahua Newspaper


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