The reality of multiculturalism in Ecuadorian health systems

Main Article Content

Edison Marcos Flores-Bosmediano
Gualberto Bolívar Núñez-Silva
Fernando Rene Flores-Benitez


For several decades, the Ecuadorian state and institutions have made visible and concerned about the country's ethnic communities, building laws, regulations, plans, among others. In that sense, this research aims to analyze the interaction of Ecuadorian health systems with ethnic communities and how their ancestral processes can be inserted into their policies. The methodology used has a qualitative approach, of a documentary type with a bibliographic approach, where different scientific articles, theses, books, documents of international and national organizations, constitutions, laws, among others, were consulted, there is a lot of relevant information which is very significant. , but it was necessary to take the information that supported the topic precisely. As results, the conceptualizations and characterizations of ethnicity, multiculturalism, the fundamental legal bases that support these communities and how the health factor has been treated in these communities were obtained, allowing the analysis of how the Ecuadorian health systems have interacted to date with the different ethnic groups of Ecuador. The main conclusion was obtained that, despite all the laws, regulations, and initiatives by the state, even in health centers the incorporation of traditional and complementary medicines is not observed, nor is there much interest on the part of members of the health sector. acquire the skills for its application.


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How to Cite
Flores-Bosmediano, E. M., Núñez-Silva , G. B., & Flores-Benitez , F. R. . (2022). The reality of multiculturalism in Ecuadorian health systems . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 614-625.
Author Biographies

Edison Marcos Flores-Bosmediano, Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio-Ecuador


He was born in Imbabura, on August 29, 1990, with third-level higher education at the Technical University of the North. 

Engineer in Electronics and Communication Networks 

Bachelor of Sports Training 

Fourth level studies carried out at the University of the Armed Forces - ESPE 

Master´s degree in Sports Training. 

Currently, a PhD student in Higher Education. 

In the workplace, teacher at the "17 de Julio" Higher Technological Institute since 2018 and coordinator of the Sports Training career. 

He has conducted several seminars and courses in the area of ​​research and university teaching. 

He has participated in several presentations in the field of sports sciences. 

Gualberto Bolívar Núñez-Silva , Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio-Ecuador


He was born in Riobamba, on June 4th, 1967. His third level studies were completed at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, on the Faculty of Mechanics, obtaining a Mechanical Engineering degree.  

Fourth level studies at the International University of La Rioja: 

Master’s degree in Integrated Management Systems for Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, Environment and Social Responsibility.  

  1. student at the Metropolitan University of Science and Technology.

Teacher at the Higher Institute of Technology 17 de Julio since 2014. 

He has participated in several seminars and courses in the educational an engineering area. 

He has work experience; Public and private construction. 

Fernando Rene Flores-Benitez , Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio-Ecuador


Third level degree: Industrial Design Engineer  

-Fourth level degree: Master in Mechanical Design 

 -Training of Trainers  

-Teacher Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio 


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