La Assertiveness as an influential factor in entrepreneurship in the city of Machala

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Nicol Paulett Armijos-Morocho
Cristina Margarita Balladares-Marín
Eduardo Vinicio Pulla-Carrión
Liana Carola Sánchez-Cabrera


Ignorance of assertiveness policies generates the existence of negative factors in entrepreneurship, for this reason the objective of the investigated topic is to establish the assertiveness factor as a transcendental element that every entrepreneur must possess, in order to promote business development in the city ​​of Machala. The exploratory analysis methodology was put into practice since a bibliographical investigation is carried out, which contains research obtained from the General Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). At the same time, a qualitative methodology was used, in which surveys were carried out, the same one that helps to obtain concrete information on the proposed topic for its respective weighting of data, the SPSS program was used, through which the information was processed. collected in the surveys. The study population was framed in the entrepreneurs of the city of Machala, the applied sample is finite, because the number of inhabitants is known, with a probabilistic sampling, 385 entrepreneurs being surveyed. Among the main findings generated, it was determined that a large part of the respondents do not know the term assertiveness, likewise there are entrepreneurs who do not usually control their behavior in the face of setbacks that arise, together a minimum percentage consider they do not have the ability to achieve adequate management expressive, and it is difficult for them to address customers, turning them into non-assertive people, this being an obstacle that results in poor productivity, affecting labor relations, causing a decrease in the growth and competition of the entrepreneurship. 


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How to Cite
Armijos-Morocho, N. P., Balladares-Marín , C. M., Pulla-Carrión, E. V. ., & Sánchez-Cabrera, L. C. . (2022). La Assertiveness as an influential factor in entrepreneurship in the city of Machala . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 206-217.
Author Biographies

Nicol Paulett Armijos-Morocho, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Graduated to obtain the degree as an engineer in business administration at the Technical University of Machala, with a proactive vision, continuously trained to strengthen knowledge in the administration branch. Knowledge in writing scientific articles. Pleasant experience of the different aspects that the investigation entailed

Cristina Margarita Balladares-Marín , Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Student in the process of graduating to obtain the title Engineering in Business Administration. I have participated in the writing of scientific articles at an academic level, which has allowed me to achieve greater development in terms of writing, analysis and research methods. 

Eduardo Vinicio Pulla-Carrión, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Commercial Engineer in Business Administration, University Professor since 2008, full professor at the Technical University of Machala, Master in Business Administration from the National University of Loja, PhD student in Social Sciences with mention in Management at the University of Zulia, Venezuela. Author of books and scientific articles in the area of ​​entrepreneurship.

Liana Carola Sánchez-Cabrera, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Bachelor of Business Administration, Commercial Engineering, Master of Business Administration, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Full Professor of the Technical University of Machala, Coordinator of the Business Administration Career, pursuing a doctorate in Social Sciences mention Management of the University and Zulia-Venezuela, author of articles in the area of ​​management 


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