The interest in learning the cognitive level in students

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Nieve Jazmina Bravo-Chavarría
Victor Reinaldo Jama-Zambrano


This work aims to determine how interest influences the learning of the cognitive level of the students of the Educational Unit Dr. Odilón Gómez Andrade of the Chone canton. This study is of the explanatory, inductive and deductive correlational type, which is used to expose the analogies and correlations, is supported by a multimodal or mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). The information collection technique was a test applied to the 54 students of the middle sublevel of the institution involved. The results show that in the face of the accelerated production of knowledge, the students expressed enthusiasm when carrying out the tasks and finishing them with the same attitude, which stimulates the teacher to gradually practice the use of motivation to encourage participation, but establishing the respect by taking turns, accepting the different criteria of the group and maintaining order. This makes clear to us the changes between the old school and the new school. It can be concluded that the Ministry of Education, in addition to generating demands for knowledge, must also train its professionals so that they are prepared to face different social problems and individual cognition of each student, since they come from different social and family contexts. -beef. Interest should be one of the elements that the teacher will innovate, through various options that generate it within the classroom, so that students gain a more effective cognitive level in the school stage, for their academic preparation and social development.


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How to Cite
Bravo-Chavarría , N. ., & Jama-Zambrano, V. (2022). The interest in learning the cognitive level in students. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 231-243.
Author Biographies

Nieve Jazmina Bravo-Chavarría , Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, extensión Chone - Ecuador

Second Level Title PRIMARY EDUCATION TEACHER - TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL, at the Eugenio Espejo Higher Technological Institute, obtained in 3 years of studies.

Title of Third Level DEGREE IN EDUCATION PRIMARY MENTION, obtained in a period of four years of study at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro Delgado, Professor for 13 years of work experience in the following Institutions: Educational Unit "Francisco Pacheco", Educational Unit "Raymundo Aveiga Moreira” and Educational Unit “Dr. Odilon Gomez Andrade”.

Victor Reinaldo Jama-Zambrano, Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí - Ecuador 

Full Professor, Technologist in Primary Education, Teacher of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education, Doctor of Science in Education Specializing in Pedagogy, Specialist in the development of Intelligence and Education, Higher Diploma in University Education by Competences, Master in Education and Social Development, Doctor of Administrative Sciences PhD.


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