Importance of graphoplastics to develop fine motor skills in children of initial education II, in Ecuator

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Marìa Lasteña Arias-Llumipanta
Robertson Xavier Calle-García


Teachers in their daily work must use different strategies to work on the psychomotor development of children, turning plastic graph techniques into an important link in the stimulation that the student needs to strengthen the muscles and joints of the hands and fingers before initiate graphomotor activities. Thus, the objective of this research is to propose a set of plastic graph techniques for the development of fine motor skills in children of Initial Education II. A descriptive scope methodology was used, with a qualitative approach, and a non-experimental design. The instruments used were multiple choice surveys for the four initial education teachers and observation sheets to evaluate the children. The results obtained showed that when applying graphoplastic techniques, in 65.6 children improved fine motor skills. It is concluded that it is important to apply graphoplastic techniques because they help with the development of fine motor skills, the same that is necessary to achieve postural control, manual eye dexterity, pencil handling control, actions that allow children to easily function in various activities, strengthening their abilities and skills. 


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How to Cite
Arias-Llumipanta , M. L., & Calle-García, R. X. (2022). Importance of graphoplastics to develop fine motor skills in children of initial education II, in Ecuator . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 186-195.
Author Biographies

Marìa Lasteña Arias-Llumipanta , Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Teacher of the Education District 22D02 Loreto-Orellana. Coordinator of the High School Level with extensive experience as a teacher of Basic Education First and Initial Education II, executor of the different activities in the areas of development and learning of the Presidente Tamayo Educational Unit. Student of the Technical University of Manabí-Ecuador. 

Robertson Xavier Calle-García, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Postdoctoral in Teaching and Research 

- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences 

- Doctor of Educational Sciences 

- Master in Educational Development 

- Diploma in Educational Leadership 

- Bachelor of Science in Education 


Investigative Achievements: 

- Author of several Scientific Articles in Journals indexed in Latindex and Scopus. 


- Author of Book Chapters 


Academic and professional career: 

Teacher and Tutor of Third and Fourth Level Thesis in different Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador, among which are described: 

- Higher Pedagogical Institute "October 23" of Montecristi 

- National University of Chimborazo 

- San Gregorio University of Portoviejo 

- San Antonio de Machala Technological University 

- Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabi 

- Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Headquarters Portoviejo 

- Technical University of Manabi 


- Awarded as the best teacher of the Technical University of Manabí in 2014 


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