Impact of public banking in the promotion of the agricultural sector of Manabí Case of BanEcuador B.P. Impact of public banking in the promotion of the agricultural sector of Manabí
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The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of BanEcuador's productive credit on the promotion of the agricultural sector in the province of Manabí. The development of the research has a mixed approach: quantitative as its main source of information is the surveys carried out to farmers in the province and the analysis of the credit information generated from BanEcuador and systematized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. Qualitative in that it involved direct observation, literature review and interviews with farmers. From the research and analysis of the data, it can be inferred that the public development bank and specifically BanEcuador, plays a fundamental role in the financing of the agricultural sector of the province of Manabí, despite the fact that the largest participation of financing occurs from private banks and also considering the weaknesses of public banks in the management of agricultural credit. It is evident that agricultural credit boosts work in the province, boosts the economy, and helps the farmer to grow economically. It reflects the criterion that agriculture cannot do without public banking in the case of BanEcuador, especially if it needs to adapt to the real needs of the farmer depending on the particularities of the sector. The study shows that, in Manabí, despite being a province with enormous tourism, fishing, industrial and commercial potential, the agricultural sector is essential because of the productive chains it generates, mainly in the rural sector.
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