Ecuador: Public spending and economic growth, 2017 - 2021

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Lady Andrea León-Serrano
Xavier Alexander San Martín-Maza
Kimberly Dayanna Lupú Carrillo
Jean Carlos Saenz-Sisalima


Currently, Public Expenditure is an important fiscal policy instrument that allows to cover needs that limit development. Thus, this article aims to study how production increased as a result of changes in spending in Ecuador throughout 2017- 2021, with the help of SPSS software. In the same sense, a literary and descriptive research was conducted to obtain information to support the study, in addition to the application of a deductive methodology that allowed to collect statistical data and present data analysis. Likewise, it was found that real GDP and Fiscal Deficit are variables that are related to each other, and that the model proposed is effective, with the independent variables adjusting significantly to the dependent variable. Finally, the respective conclusions were presented, where changes in real GDP and Fiscal Deficit directly affect the budget allocated to strategic sectors of the country, thus allowing economic growth or, on the contrary, becoming a constraint for development. 


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How to Cite
León-Serrano , L. A., San Martín-Maza, X. A. ., Lupú Carrillo, K. D., & Saenz-Sisalima , J. C. (2022). Ecuador: Public spending and economic growth, 2017 - 2021 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 218-227.
Author Biographies

Lady Andrea León-Serrano , Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Ecuadorian, born in the city of Machala, Candidate for a Doctorate in Economic Sciences - University of Zulia, Master and Economist, Diploma Course specializing in Social Solidarity Economy and associativism by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Argentina Headquarters, Professor at the Technical University of Machala, Director and Coordinator of the Eco Entrepreneurship Research Group 

Xavier Alexander San Martín-Maza, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Ecuadorian, born in the city of Machala, student of the Technical University of Machala, Participant in the Science Week of the Technical University of Machala and in several meetings developed by the European Union.  

Kimberly Dayanna Lupú Carrillo, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Ecuadorian, born in the city of Santa Rosa. Student of economics at the Technical University of Machala, certified as a speaker at conferences on Research and Student Welfare. Participant in meetings endorsed by the European Union. 

Jean Carlos Saenz-Sisalima , Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Ecuadorian, born in the city of Machala. Student of economics at the Technical University of Machala. Participant in congresses on climate change. 


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