Interactive pedagogical strengthening of Reading and Writing skills. Limitations in times of pandemic

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Luis Marcelo Mantilla-Falcón
Alba Paulina Hernández-Freire
Diana Mercy Sulca-Quispilema
Sara Jaqueline Iza-Pazmiño


The interactive pedagogical strengthening of reading and writing skills in middle school general education students is of great interest in this century due to their usefulness and urgency. This research seeks to analyze these skills taking into context the rural situation of the educational institution located in the highland’s region of Ecuador and the event of the pandemic present in the world reality. It is a quantitative study, descriptive and explanatory, with longitudinal temporality (pre/post-test), its design is quasi-experimental and with non-probabilistic sampling. For data collection, the Key English Test for Schools (KET) was applied to the three grades of Basic General Education, under the Ecuadorian education system. The results show a low growth in the skills of learning and mastering a second language, measured through the t-student statistic and with a correlational analysis. It is concluded that the circumstances of the pandemic plus the common factors of the context and teacher training are considerable limitations for strengthening the learning of a foreign language as an element of personal and academic growth. The geographical location of the educational institution is another limitation towards learning a second language due to the socioeconomic conditions of its inhabitants. 


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How to Cite
Mantilla-Falcón, L. M., Hernández-Freire, A. P., Sulca-Quispilema, D. M., & Iza-Pazmiño, S. J. (2022). Interactive pedagogical strengthening of Reading and Writing skills. Limitations in times of pandemic . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 93-105.
Author Biographies

Luis Marcelo Mantilla-Falcón, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


Bachelor and Doctor of Education Sciences; Magister in University Teaching and Educational Administration; Master of Science in Education; Master in Pedagogy mention in Technical and Technological Education; Research professorat the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing; former director of the Faculty Research Department; National and international lecturer. Author of six books of poetry; publications in 8 countries in Latin America and more than 25 papers.

Alba Paulina Hernández-Freire, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


Degree in Sciences of Education Mention English; Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Professor Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador.

Diana Mercy Sulca-Quispilema, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato-Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education; Master in Pedagogy. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador.

Sara Jaqueline Iza-Pazmiño, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Degree in Educational Sciences mention English; Master in Linguistics Applied to Spanish-English Bilingual Teaching. Professor Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador.


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