Impact of internal inventory control on decision making at Hospital General Manta – IESS

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Vicenta Patricia Montesdeoca-Pichucho
Verónica Monserrate Mendoza-Fernández


The present investigation was developed with the objective of analyzing the incidence of internal inventory control in decision-making in the medical device warehouse at the General Hospital of Manta - IESS. Therefore, the study was framed in a methodology oriented towards a type of study of a non-experimental, exploratory nature with descriptive explanatory methods. Applying the documentary review, observation and interview as data collection instruments to a convenience sample made up of 7 officials who intervene directly in the study variables, in this case they are responsible for managing the inventory and taking of decisions of the General Hospital of Manta - IESS. Highlighting among the main results obtained that the General Hospital of Manta - IESS establishes an internal control of its inventories attached to the Integrated System of Administration of Public Finances of Ecuador (SINAFIP), as well as the regulations established by the Comptroller General of the State, this being a guarantor of the efficient fulfillment of the inventory management of the public sector in the country, for which it is highlighted that the internal control of the inventories of medical devices in the General Hospital of Manta - IESS, impacts in a way Positive decision-making by those responsible for managing this public institution oriented to the health care and well-being of Ecuadorians. Promoting correct decision-making, in order to guarantee transparency in institutional management by those responsible. 


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How to Cite
Montesdeoca-Pichucho, V. P. ., & Mendoza-Fernández, V. M. . (2022). Impact of internal inventory control on decision making at Hospital General Manta – IESS . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 606-613.
Author Biographies

Vicenta Patricia Montesdeoca-Pichucho, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Student of the Academic Master's Degree with Professional Career in Accounting and Auditing, Postgraduate Institute of the Technical University of Manabí, Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Analyst of the General Coordination of Ecology and Sustainable Environment of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of the Manta canton 

Verónica Monserrate Mendoza-Fernández, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Master in Taxation and Finance, Economist, Professor at the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador. 


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