Implementation of proposal BCC: Application of accounting practice from virtuality in the teaching-learning process in the subject of accounting

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Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque
Rosario del Rocío Zambrano-Torres
Mayra Sayonara Arellano-Pintado
Thais Milena Cantos-Arellano


The application of accounting practice in the teaching and learning process of students in the Accounting specialty of the UEF "Amaryllis Fuentes Alcívar" in the city of Guayaquil, is of vital importance to strengthen the theoretical knowledge acquired during the student life in the accounting high school, since According to what has been observed, it is determined that there is a lack of accounting criteria and deficient knowledge for the resolution of transactional problems and construction of the accounting process of a company in a complex and advanced manner. It is necessary to reinforce these difficulties with constant accounting practice, throughout the teaching - learning process. The proposed proposal is that through digital media such as Google Meet, murals and virtual whiteboards, the transfer and construction of significant knowledge is developed, through the formation of collaborative teams on the network. Theoretical and empirical methods have been considered as: logical historical, hypothetical-deductive, analytical-synthetic, scientific observation, the survey, the interview and sampling as a statistical method, also considering the logical framework methodology. Regarding the variables under study, more than 20 scientific articles were analyzed in academic google, educational journals such as Redalyc, Scielo, Mendive etc. In conclusion, promoting the accounting practice in the educational setting and in the current context of the health crisis has a social and economic impact for the student himself; since it will develop the effective and necessary competencies for its adequate development in the workplace, thus allowing, to enjoy better opportunities in the professional framework. 


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Luque, R. I. ., Zambrano-Torres, R. del R., Arellano-Pintado, M. S., & Cantos-Arellano , T. M. (2022). Implementation of proposal BCC: Application of accounting practice from virtuality in the teaching-learning process in the subject of accounting . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 157-174.
Author Biographies

Rosa Isabel Campoverde-Luque, Universidad Espíritu Santo-Ecuador


Master in Educational Management from the University of Specialties Espiritu Santo/Samborondón - Ecuador 

Degree in Educational Sciences from the State University of Guayaquil, mention Commerce and Administration / Guayaquil - Ecuador  

Professor of Educational Sciences at the State University of Guayaquil, mention of Commerce and Administration/Guayaquil – Ecuador 

Coordinator of Student Internships technical area of ​​the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" of the city of Guayaquil Academic Year 2017 – 2018/ 2018 – 2019/ 2019 – 2020/2020-2021 

 Member of the Executive Council of the UEF "Teodoro Alvarado Olea" 2019 – 2020/2020-2021. 

High School Teacher of the UEF "Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar" Accounting Technical Area 

Rosario del Rocío Zambrano-Torres, Universidad Cesar Vallejo Piura-Perú 


Master in Educational Psychology from the Cesar Vallejo University of Piura / Peru 

Pedagogical Technologist from the University of Guayaquil / Ecuador 

Degree in Educational Sciences Mention Foreign Trade from the State University of Guayaquil- Ecuador. 

High School Teacher of the UEF "Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar" Accounting Technical Area

Mayra Sayonara Arellano-Pintado, Universidad Espíritu Santo-Ecuador


Master in Educational Management from the University of Specialties Espiritu Santo/Samborondón - Ecuador 

- Engineer in Marketing and Commercial Negotiation University of Guayaquil 

- Experimental College Teacher May 28 

- Teacher - UEF Inspector "Dr. Teodoro Alvarado Olea" of the city of Guayaquil 

- Teacher UEF Province of Los Ríos 2022 

Thais Milena Cantos-Arellano , Universidad Espíritu Santo-Ecuador


 Study of the English Language at the Ecuadorian North American Center 

Qualified Artisan in Master of Cosmetology  

Graduated from the Law School 

Featured Academic Excellence Group 

 Delegate of the Council of the Faculty of Jurisprudence 

Anti-corruption commission delegate  

Representative of the Fundación Lideresas del Ecuador


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