Impact of Internal Control in the budget execution of the Parish Government of Ayacucho

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Janine Elizabeth Marín-Pisango
Martha Tatiana Velásquez-Gutiérrez


This research study is based on the hypothesis: How does internal control impact the budget execution of the Parish Government of Ayacucho in the 2018-2020 period? In this sense, an investigation is developed with the objective of analyzing the impact that internal control has on the budget execution of the Parish Government of Ayacucho in the period 2018-2020. For this reason, a quantitative approach methodology of a descriptive type and correlational level is used, applying the survey and observation as an instrument for collecting information addressed to 30 people who work in the Parish GAD. For the analysis of the results, the Pearson chi-square coefficient is applied, which stands out among the most important findings, that if there is a positive and significant relationship between internal control and the budgetary execution carried out by the Government Parish of Ayacucho, this being very important since internal control is an element that emerges as a strategy to make the best decisions by the responsible officials who are in charge of budget planning and execution, as well as the administration of resources of public institutions in the country. 


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How to Cite
Marín-Pisango, J. E. ., & Velásquez-Gutiérrez, M. T. . (2022). Impact of Internal Control in the budget execution of the Parish Government of Ayacucho . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 269-279.
Author Biographies

Janine Elizabeth Marín-Pisango, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Student of the Academic Master's Degree with Professional Career in Accounting and Auditing / Postgraduate Institute of the Technical University of Manabí. 

Martha Tatiana Velásquez-Gutiérrez, Universidad Técnica de Manabí



  • Master in Accounting and Auditing, State University of the South of Manabí, Ecuador. 
  • Commercial Engineer, Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador. 

Academic career: 

  • Assistant Professor 1, full time, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Technical University of Manabí. 
  • Former - Vice Dean of Students, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and 
  • Economics, Technical University of Manabí. 
  • Experience as a tutor for undergraduate and master's degree projects. 
  • Member of the research group "Management in accounting, finance, taxation and auditing" of the FCAE of the Technical University of Manabí. 
  • Director and co-researcher of research projects registered in the SPCA of the FCAE of the Technical University of Manabí. 
  • Researcher registered by the Ministry of Education, Science, 
  • Technology and Innovation (Senescyt). 


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