Public management and social service of the MIES San Lorenzo District, Esmeraldas province

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Marta Lucia Valencia-Cortez


The objective of the study is to analyze the public management and its incidence in social service of the MIES in San Lorenzo city. The methodology is bibliographic documentary, field, the design is non-experimental, the sample was 216 users and 10 technicians from the MIES, the techniques used were the survey and focus groups. Focus groups were implemented with the participation of 43 women from the communities of “19 de Marzo” of the “Concepción” parish, “El Progreso” of the “Tambillo” parish and “San Javier de Cachavi” of the “Cachavi” parish. The findings establish that the public management approaches of the MIES in San Lorenzo city, accomplish with the actions proposed by the ministerial entity. In San Lorenzo, the number of beneficiaries of the human development bonus (BDH) was 7.201. The 80,34% that represent 5.785 women and the 19,66% that speak for 1.416 men. The 52,83% live in poverty conditions and the 46,69% in extreme poberty. The quality of the social service is satisfactory, the expected service received for 38.9% always meets their needs, although dissatisfaction remains present at a medium level of 18.1%. Participation spaces such as focus groups with the intervention of 43 women show that it is necessary to strengthen the capacities of the beneficiaries for less paternalism and dependence on the state.


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How to Cite
Valencia-Cortez, M. L. (2022). Public management and social service of the MIES San Lorenzo District, Esmeraldas province . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 122-136.
Author Biography

Marta Lucia Valencia-Cortez, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena-Ecuador



I am Marta Lucía Valencia Cortez, Public Administration Engineer, Spanish Secretarial Technician and Social Activist. I have worked for more than 15 years in social development projects, I have been part of the Rights Protection System; District Director of Education, manager in Community Security Processes. I have carried out consultancies for international organizations in projects aimed at migratory regularization for vulnerable groups. 


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