Skeletal dentoalveolar effectiveness with fixed and removable functional appliances in mandibu-lar advancement: A review of the Literature
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The effectiveness of functional appliances has been studied during the last years, for the correction of class II malocclusion due to mandibular retrognathism fixed and removable functional appliances are used, since they establish muscular balance, eliminate oral dysfunction and allow an adequate length of the mandible, and at the same time the correction of facial esthetics, this type of malocclusion is a frequent condition, suffers more than 50% of the population, it is autosomal dominant, whose treatment is performed during the peak of pubertal growth. The objective is to analyze the existing publications on the effectiveness of fixed and removable functional appliances in mandibular retrognathism. Articles were analyzed and obtained from three digital databases: PubMed, World Wide Science, BVS. The literature evaluated the dentoalveolar and skeletal effectiveness of fixed and removable functional appliances in mandibular advancement, independent of the appliance used, and in this review study we sought to elucidate whether functional appliances succeed in stimulating mandibular growth. The removable functional appliances produce greater skeletal changes and lesser dentoalveolar effects such as: increase in mandibular length and chin advancement, in comparison to the fixed appliances there are skeletal changes, but in lesser proportion and greater dentoalveolar changes such as: proinclination and protrusion of the lower incisors.
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