Cost of production and competitiveness in the Association of Indigenous Women "Mushuk Kawsay" Chimborazo, 2022

Main Article Content

Lilliam Patricia Parreño-Barahona
María Fernanda Alejandro-Lindao


The main object of the research is to design a total cost control for the production of mashua yogurt, as a competitiveness strategy for the year 2022, according to the qualification of the members’experiences, the organization's requirement and compliance with the regulations established by control entities, for this reason the entity has carried out processes focused only on the sale of its product, leaving aside the control of fixed and variable costs of production for the valuation of finished inventories, for the collection of information the field methodology, dialogue with the partners in charge of the production process, verification of processes, analysis of documentation, the research has been qualitative and quantitative, with the support of bibliographic sources allowed the identification of the raw material, direct labor, and general manufacturing expenses, for the analysis of clear and precise distribution costs such as administrative expenses. assets, sales expenses, and financial expenses, which facilitate pricing strategies, for these aspects it is considered that the application of a total costing or absorption costing system should be implemented in the production process, since the costs of manufacturing are these total variable costs and total fixed costs are part of this, with this it will facilitate accounting control, comply with the Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI), reports to the partners and other control entities, financial administration, and the application of management processes of quality.


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How to Cite
Parreño-Barahona, L. P., & Alejandro-Lindao , M. F. (2022). Cost of production and competitiveness in the Association of Indigenous Women "Mushuk Kawsay" Chimborazo, 2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 41-54.
Author Biographies

Lilliam Patricia Parreño-Barahona , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena-Ecuador



Engineer in Banking and Finance, Lcda. in Accounting and Auditing CPA, Master in small and medium-sized companies mention finance, I have worked as an accounting assistant in Continex Cía.. Ltda., External Accountant in Leonardo Da Vinci Educational Unit, I currently work as a teacher at the Riobamba Higher Technological Institute, teacher linkage support with society. 

María Fernanda Alejandro-Lindao , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador



Master in Accounting and Auditing,  
Master of Business Administration,  

Accountant of commercial companies and services, undergraduate and postgraduate thesis tutor, author and co-author of scientific articles, Author of books on Cost Accounting.  


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