Problem-Based Learning and reading development in 7-year-old children in Intercultural Bilingual Education: Case study
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The objective of this research is to demonstrate the improvement of reading in 7-year-old boys and girls at the San Vicente Bilingual Intercultural Community Educational Center, applying the Problem-Based Learning methodology to improve reading, for which an investigation was carried out qualitative experimental type, demonstrating that the teacher is the one who must apply different strategies, methodologies or learning techniques in their classroom, to improve interest in reading in students who do not like to read short or long texts, in this way , the application of the methodology was generated as a positive result since it is easy and simple to execute it in the classroom, allowing the student to be the manager of their own learning, starting from a problem that requires a solution, through the sequence of the didactic method, as well , causing changes in the learning routine for the student. It concludes with a proposal that allows improving reading in 7-year-old boys and girls.
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