Treatment and protection measures for the victim in Ecuadorian legislation.

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Mélida Elizabeth Paccha-Chuñir
Gina Lucia Gómez De La Torre-Jarrin


The treatment and protection measures for the victim in the Ecuadorian penal system, has been a forgotten issue in previous years, and today with the entry into force of the Organic Integral Penal Code, there have been notorious changes in the issue of protection and treatment of the victim. The purpose of this research was to analyze the current reality of the different norms, codes, regulations and national laws that will allow us to find possible solutions to the misapplication of the law in relation to protection measures and the treatment of victims of criminal offenses in Ecuador. The research was exploratory, descriptive, with a qualitative approach. The method used in this research work was analytical, synthetic, and the technique of bibliographic review was considered through reliable sources collected from national and international journals. Conclusions: treatment and protection measures are aspects that should be considered a priority, since the advance of new societies has inspired the victims to claim with more impulse the free enjoyment of their rights and to be given adequate treatment and protection measures prescribed in the Ecuadorian criminal law in force, so that obliges the administrators of justice to respect and enforce what is stipulated both in the Ecuadorian legislation and in international human rights treaties.


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How to Cite
Paccha-Chuñir, M., & Gómez De La Torre-Jarrin, G. (2022). Treatment and protection measures for the victim in Ecuadorian legislation. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 278-290.
Author Biographies

Mélida Elizabeth Paccha-Chuñir, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


As a lawyer, my academic, human and labor training has focused on the development and solution of legal problems, through legal advice and sponsorship of cases in the different matters of the branches of law, in the same way in the academic aspect I have developed investigative work, related to current social problems, which deserve to be analyzed, in order to provide viable solutions for society, committed to research and leadership.


Gina Lucia Gómez De La Torre-Jarrin, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Parliamentary Advisor and Secretary of the Labor and Social Commission, participating in the elaboration of the Law against Violence against Women. Professor of Criminal Procedural Law, Forensic Oratory and Criminal Law at the Law School of the Universidad Cristiana Latinoamericana. Undergraduate. Criminal Organizations Module at the Graduate School of the Universidad de los Andes UNIANDES. Fiscal Agent from September 22, 2006 to September 12, 2019.


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