The development and territorial planning plan and the planning of public works projects of the Salinas, 2021
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In recent years, there has been an adequate evolution of planning models in the territories. The methodological changes are evident, through the incorporation of citizen participation instruments and the context of health emergencies that are currently experienced. For this reason, the needs of the territories, as in the case of public works, are significant and feasible, as long as they are consistent with the needs of the population and its growth. The existence of infrastructure works potentiates the social and economic development of the territories, which is why their demand must be planned, participatory and efficiently financed. In this context, it is essential that territorial planning processes specify guidelines that allow public works to be efficient and sustainable, in this case, in the Salinas canton. The applied methodology turns out to be descriptive and correlational. The survey technique was applied based on the dimensions of the study variables, and evaluated through its internal consistency. The study sample was the citizens of the canton, whose representativeness is derived from the selection among all the neighborhoods of this jurisdiction. The main result was the direct (positive) relationship between the variables territorial planning and development plan and planning, which allowed statistically validating how public works should be planned so that they are efficient and sustainable within the land use planning processes of the canton.
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