Public policies and post-pandemic economic reactivation in La Libertad

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Iván Franklin Salazar-Chica
Juan Carlos Olives-Maldonado


At the present time, the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has disrupted different moments in daily actions, from health, consumption, production, tourism, among others, thus causing slowdowns in the economy at a macro level, for what must be formulated solutions in the medium and long term in order to avoid permanent recessions. Public policies are considered as the key instrument that contains actions to solve problems in a society, so it is essential, under this aspect, to define key guidelines of public policies that promote economic reactivation, in this case, in the La Libertad. The methodology applied was descriptive and correlational analysis. The survey technique was applied to better define the dimensions in a statistically validated instrument. The reference sample was the formal merchants registered by the municipality in the period 2022. The main result was the direct relationship between the public policy variables and economic reactivation, which allowed statistically validating the generation of guidelines that stimulate the economy from the canton merchants. 


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How to Cite
Salazar-Chica, I. F. ., & Olives-Maldonado, J. C. (2022). Public policies and post-pandemic economic reactivation in La Libertad . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 80-95.
Author Biographies

Iván Franklin Salazar-Chica, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena-Ecuador



Sales administration engineer, entrepreneur dedicated to the development and creation of enterprises, national coordinator of retroviral drugs in MERK SHARP & DOHME laboratories, regional manager, sales supervisor of ROCHE laboratories. Regional manager of SHERING PLOUGH laboratories, Owner of company ZARFA promotions and advertising agency. Provincial director of the political party, candidate for mayor of the Salinas canton. Director of the Santa Elena Chamber of Micro-entrepreneurs. 

Juan Carlos Olives-Maldonado, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena-Ecuador



Economist, Master in Finance and Corporate Projects, Ph.D. in Territorial Planning and Sustainable Development. Third and fourth level university professor and Director of research projects. Several books and scientific articles in the main publishers and databases, on topics related to: Econometrics, Land Use Plans, Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management and Macroeconomics.


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