Analysis of the main financial strategies applied by single mothers in entrepreneurship in Guayaquil

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Carolina Jennifer Molina-Villacis
Gary Roberto Rivera-Barberán
Carlos Gabriel Parrales-Choez


The ventures turn out to be initiatives of people who in one way or another have a business idea and implement it, generally moved by the economic need of the moment, however, it is not the only way or way in which these initiatives arise, for this investigation. An analysis is carried out on the different financial strategies used by single mothers in their enterprises in the city of Guayaquil. The issue is undoubtedly important since the emergence of this type of business driven by women who, in one way or another, are at the forefront of sustaining the family economy are becoming more and more frequent. There are multiple factors that affect a woman being alone and with children doing the work of being the one who takes the reins of her home, but it is important to know the financial strategies that these women implement to promote, grow and above all maintain this type of business. Due to their characteristics, they are small businesses that come to be the lifeline of many families, who, unable to enter full-time and better paid jobs, these mothers are forced to invent a way to obtain money to cover their own expenses. from a family. The methodology used is of a bibliographic documentary type, carrying out a review of the different works and scientific publications in this regard. It is concluded that the main strategies used are financial education and access to credits that allow financing.


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How to Cite
Molina-Villacis, C., Rivera-Barberán, G., & Parrales-Choez, C. (2022). Analysis of the main financial strategies applied by single mothers in entrepreneurship in Guayaquil. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 208-219.
Author Biographies

Carolina Jennifer Molina-Villacis, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

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Degree in Engineering in International Business Management and Master in Economics and Business Management (ESPOL), Research Professor in the areas of: Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Economics, Financial Mathematics at the University of Guayaquil, Salesian Polytechnic University, Vicente Rocafuerte technology, training, work experience in financial management, accounting and strategic planning CENAIM (ESPOL).

Gary Roberto Rivera-Barberán, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Economist with a mention in Business Management, with a Master's degree in Business Administration with a mention in International Business, and a Diploma in International Business, professor at the University of Guayaquil, with research in the area of economics, speaker on various topics of economics, education, social sciences and administrative sciences.


Carlos Gabriel Parrales-Choez, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Degree in education, with a Master's Certified Public Accountant with 9 years of experience. Specialized in Accounting, Taxation, Finance, Auditing and Internal Control. Graduated from Master in Accounting and Auditing. Research Professor at the University of Guayaquil with experience according to the lines of research in Accounting, Finance, Auditing.


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