Associativity as a financial strategy for the development of single mothers' enterprises in Guayaquil

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Milton Felipe Proaño-Castro
Ítalo Omar Martillo-Pazmiño
Humberto Pedro Segarra-Jaime


The objective of this research is to analyze associativity as a financial strategy for the development of the enterprises of single mothers in Guayaquil. The methodology used is bibliographic design and documentary type where it is intended to describe the operation, the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of this financial strategy used by single mothers in Guayaquil for their ventures. Associativity refers to the group of people who have come together voluntarily to meet their needs and achieve common economic, social and cultural aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled company. It is necessary that the State and other public or private entities disseminate the financial strategy of associativity with a greater proportion so that single mothers establish ventures and know how they work, what their benefits are, their weaknesses and advantages so that the State can notice greater interest in this group of women capable of achieving their goals and achieving common objectives, such as giving their families a better future, achieving economic benefits and being able to support their gender, obtaining economic, social and cultural empowerment in the country.


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How to Cite
Proaño-Castro, M., Martillo-Pazmiño, Ítalo, & Segarra-Jaime, H. (2022). Associativity as a financial strategy for the development of single mothers’ enterprises in Guayaquil. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 198-207.
Author Biographies

Milton Felipe Proaño-Castro, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

proano.jpg 0002-3761-8440

Professional training: Commercial Engineer Specializing in Corporate Finance from the State University of Guayaquil. Master in Business Administration, Mention in Business Information Systems from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil. Full-time Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil, in the Chair of Management Information Systems of the 6th Semester of the Commercial Engineering Career

Ítalo Omar Martillo-Pazmiño, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Business Administration mention International Business Executive Management of Private and Public Companies.

PMP level D IPMA certification

Research Professor in the areas of: Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Entrepreneurship at the University of Guayaquil, University

Work experience in administrative management, higher education and strategic planning at the private and public levels, Consultant for Process Control Projects and OYM.

Humberto Pedro Segarra-Jaime, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Degree in Economist and Master in Executive Management of Companies, Research Professor in the areas of: Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Economics, Financial Mathematics at the University of Guayaquil, Peninsula University of Santa Elena and Naval Technological Superior Institute. Work experience in financial management, accounting and strategic planning at the private and public levels, Project Consultant and Institutional Development.


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