Factors influencing the sustainability of single mothers' enterprises in Guayaquil

Main Article Content

Jimmy Javier Jara-Nivelo
Elizabeth Marina Macías-Chuto
Carlos Enrique Orellana-Intriago


The issue of entrepreneurship has been very visible in recent times, allowing the design of regulations and laws in favor of providing entrepreneurs with support for their development. However, in Ecuador, despite having a wide range of laws, it is considered that there is still much to be done, especially to support the entrepreneurship of single mothers, who often do not have the knowledge of how to improve their skills or how to access financial aid, their enterprises die at birth, solving only for a moment their family economic situation. Therefore, the objective of this work is to reveal, through the consulted literature, the most important items of entrepreneurship of single women in Guayaquil, in order to identify the factors that influence female entrepreneurship. This bibliographic review allowed to identify the basic conceptions about entrepreneurship, the factors for their sustainability, the reality of single women in Guayaquil, as well as the decrees and policies of the different government entities. Finally managing to argue that there are great advances in this matter, but there is still a way to go for the triumph of female entrepreneurship, since it not only depends on the State authorities, but also on the women who must commit themselves and seek educational alternatives. and financial.


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How to Cite
Jara-Nivelo, J., Macías-Chuto, E., & Orellana-Intriago, C. (2022). Factors influencing the sustainability of single mothers’ enterprises in Guayaquil. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 185-197. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.3-2.1152
Author Biographies

Jimmy Javier Jara-Nivelo, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador



Bachelor´s Degree: Commercial Engineer (University of Guayaquil)

Master´s Degree: Master of Business Administration (University of Guayaquil)

Currently pursuing a PhD in Economics Degree (Universidad del Zulia – Venezuela)

Research Professor in the areas of Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Finance and Economics at the University of Guayaquil

Currently Professor of the Public Accounting career at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil.

In the business area, I have developed positions as: Head of Credit and Collections, Head of Accounting and Finance Department, Agency Manager and Commercial Manager (currently)

Elizabeth Marina Macías-Chuto, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador



Degree in Authorized Public Accountant (UNIVERSITY OF GUAYAQUIL), Research Professor in the areas of: Accounting, Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Economics, at the University of Guayaquil. Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance at (UNIVERSITY OF ESPÍRITU SANTO SPECIALTIES).

Functions and positions held: Head of the Accounting and Financial Department, Trainer on Administrative and Accounting Organization. Currently Professor of the Authorized Public Accounting career at the University of Guayaquil Faculty of Administrative Sciences.

Carlos Enrique Orellana-Intriago, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador



Degree title Authorized Public Accountant (UNIVERSITY OF GUAYAQUIL),

Research Professor in the areas of: Accounting, Business Administration, Strategic Planning, Economics, at the University of Guayaquil.

Master's Degree in Finance and Corporate Projects at (UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL).

Functions and positions held: Participation in national accounting courses, external audit positions in prestigious international firms such as BDO, Grant Thornton, Prime Global and national ones such as Audit & Tax Ecuador. Works and publications:

  • Book Introduction to the study of Finance.
  • Controversies between accounting regulations and tax legislation.
  • Discrepancy between essence and form.
  • Internal control and its importance with SMEs.

Currently Professor of the Commercial Engineering career at the University of Guayaquil Faculty of Administrative Sciences.


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