Rights of children of women deprived of liberty at the Zaruma social rehabilitation center

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Rommel Patricio Sagnay-Ochoa


This article exposes the importance of the fundamental rights of children who live with their mothers in the Zaruma social rehabilitation center, a study applicable to the year 2020, since children are part of the prison population in Ecuador whose mothers are serving a sentence. deprivation of liberty, through a review from a point of view of the relevant regulations as rights recognized in the Ecuadorian Constitution, other applicable legislation, to establish the violation or not of these rights, compared to the reality in which they are found within the center of deprivation of liberty, and how it affects the cognitive, affective, emotional development of minors.
Recognizing the problem of the prison crisis in Ecuador, the lack of allocation of resources, violent acts in prisons, lack of prison personnel; It is important to ask the following question:
In what state are the children who live with their mothers deprived of liberty in relation to constitutional guarantees? This question is formulated in order to find a possible recommendation through bills, public policy projects, if it is the case to find that there is a violation of the rights of minors.
The research method to be used is the Deductive through Documentary Research, Analytical Method and the interview as a tool.


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How to Cite
Sagnay-Ochoa, R. (2022). Rights of children of women deprived of liberty at the Zaruma social rehabilitation center. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 431-448. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.3-2.1146
Author Biography

Rommel Patricio Sagnay-Ochoa, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Lawyer in free exercise in matters such as constitutional, criminal, transit, among others; student of the postgraduate program of the Technical University of Machala mention in law and constitutional justice, participant of multiple training courses of the judiciary council and the school of judicial function Ecuador.



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