Of the precautionary measure applicable in administrative procedures

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José Augusto García-Díaz 


This article will investigate the origins, components, and applicability of precautionary measures within administrative procedures. For this reason, we will examine the configuration that has been given to this figure, particularly from the Organic Administrative Code and the doctrine, which will allow us, in a second moment, to refer to the characteristics of precautionary measures, such as the provisional nature, instrumentality and urgency; to finally delve into the processing of the measures within the administrative process. With which the relevance or not of the implementation of some of these measures in favor of the administration will be concluded. 


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How to Cite
García-Díaz , J. A. (2022). Of the precautionary measure applicable in administrative procedures. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 5-23. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1144
Author Biography

José Augusto García-Díaz , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica-Ecuador


This paper is an examination of the components that encompass the concept of fortuitous event or force majeure from the doctrinal, legal, and jurisprudential point of view, as well as its origin and application in the labor field as a form of termination of labor relations with the appearance of Covid-19 in the country. First, a conception of the fortuitous event or force majeure will be sketched, considering its main characteristics. Subsequently, through comparative law and national jurisprudence, we will determine the essential requirements of this figure to terminate the labor relationship in a legal and timely manner, to finally land on the application of the interpretative rule set forth in the Organic Law of Humanitarian Support and how this will generate legal contradictions that will arise as a result of the labor lawsuits filed at the present time. 


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