Incidence of the COVID 19 pandemic in the cardholders of COAC OSCUS Ltda

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Evelyn Andrea Amán-Caiza
Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores


The pandemic has developed delimiting approaches in vulnerable aspects for the sustenance to be carried in a certain period, taking decisions to consequences of financial decisions, taking advantage of the synergy of the study and mutual benefit, under the perception of the objective of the cause-effect analysis and factors that prioritize the time limit of payment, determines the descriptive scope and the purpose of reaching the facts in a certain context, in the Cooperative of Savings and Credit OSCUS Ltda., for which a questionnaire was applied to the cardholders as well as to a sample of 187 members of the Cooperative, therefore, the incidence of the pandemic of COVID 19 and the descriptive strategies in the evaluation of needs and the process of integral information that contributed to a forceful approach for the relationship with the members were analyzed. Likewise, a bibliographic review was carried out that favoured the analysis of the factors and the correspondence of the users with the institution's credit cards.


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How to Cite
Amán-Caiza, E., & Abril-Flores, J. (2022). Incidence of the COVID 19 pandemic in the cardholders of COAC OSCUS Ltda. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(3-2), 114-125.
Author Biographies

Evelyn Andrea Amán-Caiza, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Evelyn Andrea Amán Caiza graduate with a degree in Marketing from the Technical University of Ambato, School of Administratives Sciencies, Ambato, Ecuador. She did a pre-professional internship at Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito OSCUS Ltda and training.

Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Jorge Francisco Abril Flores, is a Specialist in Digital Communication from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; Master in Business Administration - Planning mention by the Catholic University of Ecuador; Magister in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education from the Technical University of Ambato; Doctor in Accounting and Auditing and Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, Public Accountant from the Technical University of Ambato. Undergraduate and postgraduate research professor at the Technical University of Ambato, UNIANDES, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Ambato Headquarters.

Author of the books: "Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants"; "The online shopping behavior of millennials in Ecuador included as a chapter in the Book Results of research in education, business, society and technology Scientific Collection education, business and society". Co-author of the books: “Language Arts”; “Pamatug Cultural Identity, Orality and Writing”. It also has several indexed publications related to business issues as well as educational issues.


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