Social media and new product development: An approach to SME planning during COVID-19

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Fanny Yoconda Garzón-Murillo
Regina Alexandra Villacís-Pazmiño
Mayra Fernanda Sánchez-Acosta


The tactic of developing new products through the use of social networks through interaction with customers has become the common action of multinationals. However, for SMEs it is a limited approach, which has been gaining strength as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has influenced the active participation of commercial SMEs within the digital market. Therefore, an integrated model for the development of new products was applied by means of a factorial analysis to determine the constructs that positively affect the use of social networks for SMEs. The results revealed that the factors: technology, characteristics, usability and cost of the product, and empathy with the customer did influence the integrated interaction with social networks, that is, the perception of the product in social networks by the customer if it is necessary for the production of new products. However, the focus on customer engagement on social media did not play a role. This arose possibly due to the ignorance of the benefits that can be obtained in digital platforms. It was concluded that, the study through the constructs implemented for the development of new products oriented towards SMEs, contributes to the feasibility of using social networks for business growth and the reception of customer perceptions quickly and systematically.


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How to Cite
Garzón-Murillo, F., Villacís-Pazmiño, R., & Sánchez-Acosta, M. (2022). Social media and new product development: An approach to SME planning during COVID-19. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-1), 5-20.
Author Biographies

Fanny Yoconda Garzón-Murillo, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Fanny Yoconda Garzón Murillo, student of the Polytechnic University of Ambato of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Marketing and Business Management Career, author of the Academic Article, topic: “Social media and the development of new products: An approach to the planning of SMEs during COVID-19”

Regina Alexandra Villacís-Pazmiño, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Regina Alexandra Villacís Pazmiño, student of the Polytechnic University of Ambato of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Marketing and Business Management Career, author of the Academic Article, topic: “Social media and the development of new products: An approach to the planning of SMEs during COVID-19”

Mayra Fernanda Sánchez-Acosta, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Fernanda Sánchez, Engineer in Financial Management with a Master's Degree in Taxation and Business Law. Is a currently a teacher at the Technical University of Ambato and an evaluator of research projects for undergraduate and graduate students.


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