Childcare: A normative analysis according to Constitutional Law
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The research began with relevant conceptualizations, reviews the content and scope of comparative law provisions that contemplate the figure of shared custody and its application in justice to finally make visible the normative incompatibility between the Constitution and the Children's Code and identify the need for reforms that include the incorporation of the shared custody regime in Ecuadorian legislation and thus make effective the principles and rights of the Constitution of 2008 and the Children's Code of 2003. This research is based on a qualitative study, as it emphasizes the normative and jurisprudential analysis and investigates the meaning of certain core concepts that allow us to understand the foundations of the right to care and the need to adapt our Code to constitutional principles that could make its enforcement feasible. The theoretical perspective used nourishes the critical analysis of national and comparative law and starts from a gender-based analysis, since it contains questions to those provisions of the legislation configured based on gender stereotypes. To complement the critical analysis of Ecuadorian law, a review of judicial decisions was proposed, but it was not possible to access a significant number of them, which would allow a representative sample of judicial actions to be taken.
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