Corporate social responsibility strategies: a systematic analysis of the organizational perspective

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Herman David Andi-Tapuy
Walter Ramiro Jiménez-Silva


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important tool for companies. However, the dissatisfaction of society for the waste of natural resources, pollution, lack of work ethic, professional and productive have caused are elements that have detonated the concept of CSR. The objective of the research was to identify the important characteristics of the (CSR) applied to organizations through a hermeneutical analysis applied to the systematic review. The systematic quantitative evaluation method (SQAT) was applied to analyze a sample of 120 articles on the production of reproducible and verifiable reviews according to the methodologies in the literature. The findings showed that, although a reasonable number of CSR studies have been carried out, there is still a significant gap for further conceptual research in this area, particularly, the important contribution of the implementation of CSR by SMEs to the achievement of the global sustainable development. It was concluded that future systematic reviews could extend the scope of the databases to obtain more information about the line of study to ensure that SMEs implement the programs and it is beneficial for the organization and its stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Andi-Tapuy, H., & Jiménez-Silva, W. (2022). Corporate social responsibility strategies: a systematic analysis of the organizational perspective. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Herman David Andi-Tapuy, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Herman David Andi Tapuy is a student of the Technical University of Ambato, candidate to graduate from the same university with the academic article research work with the topic: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGIES: A SYSTEMATIC


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important tool for companies. However, the dissatisfaction of society for the waste of natural resources, pollution, lack of work ethic, professional and productive have caused are elements that have detonated the concept of CSR

Walter Ramiro Jiménez-Silva, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Walter Ramiro Jiménez Silva has a degree in Administrative Sciences, Public Administrator, Doctor in Administrative Sciences from the Technical University of Ambato, with a Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management, a PhD candidate in Administration in the Program of the National University of Rosario, province of Santa Fé, in the Republic of Argentina. As part of his teacher-researcher professional development, he belongs to the Market Commercial Development research group, he has collaborated as a researcher in three Research Projects endorsed by DIDE - UTA; And, I have also published in magazines indexed at national, regional and international level, under the themes of Organizational Development, Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Quality in Service, Productive and Competitive Business Development, Strategic Management, Human Talent Management, among other.


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