Financial assets: A study of the volatility of the banking financial sector in the Quito Stock Exchange quotation

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José Luis Palate-Sisalema
Luis Fabricio Lascano-Pérez


This study analyzed the variability of financial assets belonging to the banking sector in the Quito Stock Exchange. Financial assets are financial instruments or securities that can be a wealth for the owner or an expense for the issuer. The CAPM asset valuation model was used for systematic risk analysis (beta coefficient) by determining the degree of volatility owning stock prices according to the quantitative order correlational method. The methodological design of the work was established under a cross-sectional correlational method, since the behavior of the stock price is analyzed against an expected return due to volatility, measured by the beta coefficient through the valuation model of CAPM assets for determining the volatility of financial assets. The sampling was for convenience, because the banking entities had to maintain daily share prices for a period of one year and be expressed in US dollars. The results obtained were from Banco de Guayaquil, PRODUBANCO and Banco Pichincha and indicated that the prices of the shares that have the highest risk belong to Banco Pichincha, therefore, their performance tends to be mostly volatile and consequently negative. In conclusion, the banking financial sector in 2020 presented high volatility in the price of Banco Pichincha shares followed by Banco de Guayaquil and as a viable option to invest was the PRODUBANCO bank, which generated positive returns.


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How to Cite
Palate-Sisalema, J., & Lascano-Pérez, L. (2022). Financial assets: A study of the volatility of the banking financial sector in the Quito Stock Exchange quotation. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 408-418. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

José Luis Palate-Sisalema, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

José Luis Palate Sisalema, student from the Technical University of Ambato of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Organization Career, author of the Academic Article, with the topic: Financial assets: A study of volatility of the banking financial sector in the Stock Market price of Quito Securities.

Luis Fabricio Lascano-Pérez, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Luis Fabricio Lascano Pérez, PhD student in Social Sciences Management Mention at the University of Zulia. Master in Financial Management. Economist. He has held public positions such as: chief auditor of the Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy, analyst of public and private contracting such as: SME credit analyst of Banco Procredit Ecuador, Manager and Advisor of institutions of the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector. He is currently teaching at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University Ambato Technician since 2016; The lines of research that it addresses are: entrepreneurship, Competitiveness, Brand management, Social and solidarity economy.


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