Internationalization plan of a textile company, for the introduction of products to the Bolivian market

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Jeniffer Paola Lema-Nieto
Nina Suyana Sigcho-Pesántez


The objective of this article is to propose a commercial guide for the internationalization of an Ecuadorian company that produces textile goods towards the Bolivian market. The research is developed based on the bibliographic method, using a mnemonic file, the study of secondary data retrieved from indexed scientific bases such as Redalyc, Latindex and Dialnet was carried out, in addition, government data and reports by entities such as PROECUADOR, with this, market information, documentation, licenses and customs taxes are analyzed deductively. As a result of the investigation, it has been determined that Bolivia is a market that supplies itself with imports to cover the local demand for products such as sheets, duvets, pillows, and bedspreads. In addition, it has been identified that the most attractive market for the introduction of the product is in the city of Santa Cruz, due to the fact that there is a greater rotation of these textile articles. 


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How to Cite
Lema-Nieto, J. ., & Sigcho-Pesántez, N. . (2022). Internationalization plan of a textile company, for the introduction of products to the Bolivian market . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2), 215-228.
Author Biographies

Jeniffer Paola Lema-Nieto , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is Jeniffer Paola Lema Nieto, I was born in the province of El Oro - Pasaje, on April 05, 1993, my primary education was in the school "Vicente Rocafuerte", secondary school in the high school "Unidad Educativa JUAN XXIII", I have graduated in the career of International Trade at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently working in the Bakery and Pastry Bread of Colombia

Nina Suyana Sigcho-Pesántez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is Nina Suyana Sigcho Pesantez, I was born in El Oro - Machala, on February 18, 1997, my primary education was in the women's fiscal school "Zoila Ugarte de Landívar", secondary school in the high school "Nueve de Octubre", I have graduated in the career of International Trade at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently working in the company Comercializadora de Banano del Sur - COMERSUR CÍA. LTDA.


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