Verbal courtesy strategies in ads for couples published in an Ecuadorian weekly

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Elking Raymond Araujo-Bilmonte
Yamislaydis Fernanda Naranjo-Tipán
Deifilia Margarita Garcés-Bucheli


Verbal courtesy comprises a set of linguistic resources used by speakers in their communicative exchanges for different purposes. One of the speaking situations in which verbal courtesy plays a fundamental role is courtship. In this space of interaction, seeking to attract the other to establish an affective bond requires taking care of one's own image, the image of the other and, at the same time, reinforcing the resources of seduction. Couple ads are part of these territories of interaction where verbal courtesy offers a representative catalog of the rules that govern the society to which the interlocutors belong and the resources they know. In order to establish these linguistic strategies in the couple ads, a corpus was built with the ads published in the Sunday weekly “Familia” of the newspaper “El Comercio”, in the section “Lonely Hearts” during the year 2020. The ads were divided into two groups according to the advertisers ' self-identification as men or women. The strategies were labeled and classified following the latest theoretical proposals. The results show that the strategies used are determined by the discursive characteristics of the couple's announcement, that the set of typologies used is less than that proposed by the theory and that, within the strategies, a preferential use is seen due to the typology of impersonalization, self-referencing in the third person, the use of vocatives and the use of the conditional as an attenuator in managerial acts.


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How to Cite
Araujo-Bilmonte, E., Naranjo-Tipán, Y., & Garcés-Bucheli, D. (2022). Verbal courtesy strategies in ads for couples published in an Ecuadorian weekly. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4), 129-139.
Author Biographies

Elking Raymond Araujo-Bilmonte, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


Master in Hispanic Lexicography and master in Management and educational leadership, he is a full-time professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, author of the “Diccionario de ecuatorianismos con citas” and national literature award “Aurelio Espinosa Pólit”.

Yamislaydis Fernanda Naranjo-Tipán, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador


Student at "Central University of Ecuador" in the career of pedagogy with specialization in Language and Literature.

Deifilia Margarita Garcés-Bucheli, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


The beginning of her career started with a bachelor's Degree in Finance from Universidad Central del Ecuador, after some years she pursuit her vocation in teaching with a bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences, specialization in Technical Teaching in Accounting and Administration from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
In addition, a master's Degree in Education and Social Development from Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial and a master's Degree in Socio-Productive Projects from Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica.
Thirty years of teaching experience in elementary, high school and higher education institutions. Five years as Vice Principal of Unidad Educativa Fiscal Eloy Alfaro.
Lately she´s holding a position since 2019 as a coordinator of the Early Childhood Education Program at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica.
Currently writing research papers related to the field of Education.


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