Influence of the external and internal environment on management decision making

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Leider Enrique Quituizaca-Farfan
Carlos Bladimir Vásquez-Bazaran
Patricia Alexandra Uriguen-Aguirre


Management decisions from the beginning have been paramount within companies, they mark business success or decline, because through these, the reins of the business are taken, a bad decision increases the risk of organizational failure. As companies are exposed to changing environments, their interpretation becomes complex, hence the importance of carrying out a correct analysis that involves the external analysis that examines the threats and opportunities to which the company is exposed and in the internal analysis weaknesses and strengths, given this, two theories are proposed, contingency theory that studies the external environment and the theory of resources and capabilities that examines the internal environment. Both theories allow senior managers to enhance business wealth, seeking a balance in the face of constant changes, the Proper use of essential resources and capabilities Starting from this point, this research aims to analyze the influence of the external and internal environment in managerial decision making, for this, the quantitative methodology is proposed that begins with the review of the literature using a content analysis methodology, whose research tool stigation for data collection is the questionnaire composed of 10 questions divided into two parts, the first five correspond to the external environment and the subsequent ones to the internal structured on the Likert scale, for the analysis a company from Ecuador, from the Santa Rosa Canton, is selected surveying only the bosses, concluding after applying the aforementioned method that the bosses make their decisions based on empirical knowledge, leaving aside many factors to take into account in decision making such as statistical systems, resources and capabilities. 


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How to Cite
Quituizaca-Farfan, L. ., Vásquez-Bazaran, C. ., & Uriguen-Aguirre, P. . (2022). Influence of the external and internal environment on management decision making . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 339-354.
Author Biographies

Leider Enrique Quituizaca-Farfan, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated in Economics with a major in Business Management. Member of the political movement "Fuerza Rural El Oro". Assistant of the International Symposium "Economic thought and its applications in a changing environment". Assistant of the Symposium "Advanced Economics, Statistics and Econometrics". Member of the Research Direction of the Technical University of Machala.

Carlos Bladimir Vásquez-Bazaran, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I started my studies at Nuevo Amanecer School.I attended high school at the "Heroes del 41" Military School where I obtained a degree in General Sciences.I am about to finish my studies at the Technical University of Machala with a degree in Economics, mention in Business Management.Member of the Research Direction of the Technical University of Machala.

Patricia Alexandra Uriguen-Aguirre, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Economist with a major in business management, specializing in finance,Higher Diploma in Educational Innovations,Masters of Business Administration.Member of the research group in territorial economic development.Reviewer of scientific articles in the indexed journal: Revista Científica y Tecnológica UPSEFull-time level 2 grade 2 assistant professor at the Technical Universidad Técnica de Machala.


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