Population growth of virtual stores in the city of Portoviejo and contribution to economic development
Main Article Content
The purpose of this research is to provide information on the rise and evolution of virtual stores in the city of Portoviejo, Manabí Province, it highlights how this trend is born, in addition to determining which of the social networks is the most used. not only for the entrepreneurs, but for the different potential clients that the electronic market has. Statistical graphs are presented that demonstrate the growth of electronic ventures from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic until the year 2021; as well as the types of businesses, these being of varied commercial approaches and that have reached the opening on different dates of the year 2016, some suspending these activities over the years until 2021, concluding that the virtual stores that generate more movement within the population of Portoviejo, is the clothing trade; manufacture of jewelry pieces; other professional, scientific and technical activities; restaurants; and sale of scrap, contributing to the economic development of the canton in relation to the generation of employment and payment of taxes.
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