Evaluación del nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios en el servicio de matriculación y revisión técnica vehicular de la empresa EMOVIN-EP, GAD Municipal de Milagro

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Absalón Absalón Guerrero
Erika Mendoza Risco


The Concejo Nacional de Competencias (CNC) through the efforts of several state institutions consolidates and strengthens the capacities of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs), with the purpose of assuming the competence of transit, land transport and road safety through the generation of knowledge and binding practices for cantonal mobility.

In the environment of continuous mobility, the use of the private vehicle is growing, so regardless of whether it is the public or private sector, it is a business requirement to measure the level of satisfaction that a customer can have, who will be willing to pay more and feel comfortable with the services provided, in this case to achieve our goal of research to the users of Empresa Pública Municipal de Movilidad, Tránsito y Transporte de Milagro (EMOVIM-EP), a survey is applied to measure user satisfaction on the Municipal Competencies in Transportation Matter Registration and Vehicle Review assumed by the GADs.

Of the results obtained when inquiring about how it qualifies the service provided by EMOVIM-EP, of the parameters provided: NO SPECIFIC, PESTIOUS, REGULAR, ACCEPTABLE AND EXCELLENT more than 50% of the surveyed users give to know perception framed between the options of ACCEPTABLE AND EXCELLENT.


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How to Cite
Absalón Guerrero, A., & Mendoza, E. (2019). Evaluación del nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios en el servicio de matriculación y revisión técnica vehicular de la empresa EMOVIN-EP, GAD Municipal de Milagro. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(5), 103-114. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2019.5.104


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