Social, economic and environmental analysis of livestock productivity: optimal use of resources

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Dayana Elizabeth Jumbo-Ordoñez
Eveligh Prado-Carpio
Oliverio Napoleón Vargas-Gonzales
Ángel Roberto Sánchez-Quinche


The purpose of this research is to diagnose the social, economic and environmental factors that influence livestock productivity. The methodology applied is based on the compilation and analysis of bibliographic information contained in books, academic articles, national and international reports. 

In addition, this research considers a non-experimental, cross-sectional, argumentative and strategic design, obtaining information in questions directed to three farms, through a descriptive methodological outline with quantitative and qualitative variables.  

The results showed that 66.7% of livestock production is underutilized, with the highest concentration of this activity located in the Sierra region, below 80%. It was determined that the livestock sector has had a considerable contribution represented in last year's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (8.2%).     

It is concluded that livestock productivity must be aligned with the objectives of sustainable development, which considers feasible alternatives to convert losses into profits, to generate profitability, stability, and innovation, contributing to sustained and timely growth at the local and national levels and thus expand to international networks. 


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How to Cite
Jumbo-Ordoñez, D. ., Prado-Carpio , E. ., Vargas-Gonzales, O., & Sánchez-Quinche, Ángel . (2022). Social, economic and environmental analysis of livestock productivity: optimal use of resources . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2), 84-95.
Author Biographies

Dayana Elizabeth Jumbo-Ordoñez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am a student of Agricultural Economics at the Technical University of Machala. My experience in this research was excellent, where I obtained a better knowledge of livestock productivity in our country

Eveligh Prado-Carpio , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated in Business Administration, Commercial Engineer, Master in Business Administration, from the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador, Dra. In Agrarian Sciences, from the University of Zulia-Venezuela, Honorable Mention in the Ph.D., advisor in public and private companies for 20 years, currently Professor at the Technical University of Machala for. Author of 20 articles published in National and International magazines, international congresswoman. 

Oliverio Napoleón Vargas-Gonzales, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Dr. in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry 

Graduated from the National University of Loja 

Animal production advisor for 35 years 

Professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2009 

Ángel Roberto Sánchez-Quinche, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry 

Master's Degree in Animal Production 

Teacher-Researcher, SIPA advisor and member of GIPASA. 


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