Forensic Audit as a method of fraud prevention in Financial Statements. Case microenterprises of the Machala canton

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Kerly Paulette Heredia-Corte
Ana Neiby Nazareno-Cetre
Marcia Fabiola Jaramillo-Paredes


The objective of this study is to analyze the application of forensic auditing as a method of preventing fraud in Financial Statements in commercial micro-enterprises in the air conditioning sector of the Machala canton. The research design used in the study is of a non-probabilistic type with a qualitative approach, through the technique of secondary data analysis, using a mnemonic file, data were retrieved from indexed scientific bases such as Latindex, Redalyc and Dialnet, in addition, the study is complemented with the method of direct interview and participatory observation, carried out with nine. The findings of the investigation made it possible to verify that all of the investigated micro-enterprises do not have audit processes, in addition they lack physical information that supports past audits, however, the administrative supervision processes have allowed detecting possible anomalies in the accounting processes that affect the correct presentation of the financial statements.  


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How to Cite
Heredia-Corte, K. ., Nazareno-Cetre, A. ., & Jaramillo-Paredes, M. . (2022). Forensic Audit as a method of fraud prevention in Financial Statements. Case microenterprises of the Machala canton . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2), 184-195.
Author Biographies

Kerly Paulette Heredia-Corte, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I'm Kerly Heredia, a graduate student of the Accounting Career and Audit, I have participated in congresses, courses, workshops and seminars accounting-related, as well I have done research in my area of ​​influence, what they have done to me eserving of recognition at the level Academic.

Ana Neiby Nazareno-Cetre , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Ana Nazareno, a student at the Accounting and Auditing Career at the Technical University of Machala, currently graduated, studying studies to obtain my degree of 3er level, I have stood out throughout my university career in execution of level projects academic, being worthy of 

Acknowledgments from my Teachers

Marcia Fabiola Jaramillo-Paredes, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Marcia Jaramillo Paredes, is a teacher at the Technical University of Machala, has 12 years of experience in teaching at a higher level, has a Master's degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Social Sciences, Management mention. 


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