Methodological strategies: Encouragement to understand linguistic awareness in teacher

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Liliana Margarita Baque-Pibaque
Lilian Betty Reza-Suárez


The study carried out involves methodological strategies as a stimulus for the development of linguistic awareness in teacher training, from this perspective, it is necessary to contribute to this training to achieve the development of oral expression and reading comprehension of our children and young people. , according to the results of MINEDUC (2014), the percentages are very low and lacking to respond to the Ser Tests. The main objective was to develop a program of methodological strategies as a stimulus to understand linguistic awareness in the teacher training of Initial Education of the University From Guayaquil. To achieve this objective, research methods such as analytical, synthetic, inductive - deductive, constructivist approach, descriptive type were used. Of the empirical documentary study, observation, survey. This guaranteed the main results on the definitions of semantic and phonological awareness necessary for the beginning of oral expression, verbal and non-verbal manifestations in the first years of schooling, it is necessary for the teacher to use the appropriate strategies to favor the performance of children. and young people to respond to reading, to Ser tests efficiently, ensuring that teachers have better writing skills, fluency in verbal expression.


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How to Cite
Baque-Pibaque, L., & Reza-Suárez , L. (2022). Methodological strategies: Encouragement to understand linguistic awareness in teacher. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4), 5-16.
Author Biographies

Liliana Margarita Baque-Pibaque, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Professor of various professionalizing and humanistic subjects at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, Career Educators of Párvulos of the University of Guayaquil (UG). Teacher of Social Problems of Science and Technology at the State University of the South of Manabí, Master's Degree in Education module, Coordinator of the Initial Education section in the Educational Unit Nuestra Madre de la Merced, High School Teacher, Bachelor's Degree in Nursery Educator, Master in Educational Management, Doctorate (C) in Education César Vallejo de Piura University-Peru. Tutor of Research projects, Supervisor of Pre-Professional Practices, author of books and book chapters, scientific articles. Professor of various professionalizing and humanistic subjects at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, Career Educators of Párvulos of the University of Guayaquil (UG). Teacher of Social Problems of Science and Technology at the State University of the South of Manabí, Master's Degree in Education module, Coordinator of the Initial Education section in the Educational Unit Nuestra Madre de la Merced, High School Teacher, Bachelor's Degree in Nursery Educator, Master in Educational Management, Doctorate (C) in Education César Vallejo de Piura University-Peru. Tutor of Research projects, Supervisor of Pre-Professional Practices, author of books and book chapters, scientific articles.

Lilian Betty Reza-Suárez , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Professor of various professionalizing and humanistic subjects at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the University of Guayaquil (UG). Teacher of Language and Communication and National Language, at the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil UCSG, Bachelor of Education Sciences, Specialty secretarial subjects, Master in Planning, Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education, Doctorate (C) in Education Universidad César Vallejo from Piura-Peru. Manager of Research and Scientific Results of the Basic Education Career, author of books and book chapters, scientific articles and reflection on formative and generative research. Member of the Basic Education Research Network RED-IEB. Research professor with SENESCYT accreditation # INV-17-02026. ORCID00-0003-4127-9864 code.



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