An educational management that drives new high school graduates to face the challenges of society

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Tania Verónica Bermúdez-Checa


The objective of this study is to analyze the dynamics of educational management that encourages neo-high schoolers to face with justice, solidarity and innovation the challenges of society. The methodology used was theoretical and documentary review, the academic search engines that support and strengthen the study respond to ScienceDirect, Ovid Embase, EBSCO, PROQUEST Sociological,, SCIELO, ELSEVIER established in a matrix of 61 theoretical and research articles whose contributions were gradually removing the bias product of the initial perception and leading toward the scientific and sustained look of the problem, being the main problem affecting youth in Ecuador is that more than 40% of graduates do not achieve a job insertion due to lack of practical experience, which has an influence on the development of skills in the bachelor's jobs. and through the impulse of educational management its transformative process of the system has helped school institutions by setting goals that allow for quality improvement. In conclusion, the effective actions of educational management confirm that they encourage bachillers to face the challenges of today's society by implementing tools in an integrated way to ensure that the skills delivered throughout their training process enable them to effectively master knowledge allowing them to gain safety, fluency in speech and behavior that helps them get a job based on the trainings received in a responsible and timely manner.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez-Checa, T. (2022). An educational management that drives new high school graduates to face the challenges of society. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1-1), 364-374.
Author Biography

Tania Verónica Bermúdez-Checa, Institución Educativa Fiscal Victor Naranjo Fiallo - Ecuador


Magister in Educational Management, Sociologist, Superior Technician in Sample Management, Technologist in Social Management and Human Development. He worked as a teacher at the Víctor Naranjo Fiallo Tax Educational Unit.


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