Audit to the credit portfolio applied to the Savings and Credit Cooperatives

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Nelly Moposita
Cristina Ramirez


This work is justified because there are some shortcomings in the credit and collections department of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives and the high amount presented in the credit portfolio account; For this reason, it has been considered convenient to carry out a Special Exam and carry out internal control of the Credit Portfolio account, which includes the evaluation of the procedures applied for the collection of the loans granted, as well as the verification of the documents used and interest rates, in order to provide an advisory tool for top management that will help, strengthen and improve the quality of portfolio management, providing a satisfactory service to its users and improving its corporate image.
Currently, the Savings and Credit Cooperatives have achieved growth within the national territory, managing to satisfy the financial needs of the population through the granting of loans.
Among the main conclusions of the work carried out it should be noted that there is an internal control with a moderate level of confidence and moderate risk, however there are several inconsistencies at the time of the review of the supporting documentation, since the established regulations are not being complied with by the cooperative, they also do not have an adequate process for the granting of credits, which is why alternative solutions are proposed to achieve effective credit management.


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How to Cite
Moposita, N., & Ramirez, C. (2016). Audit to the credit portfolio applied to the Savings and Credit Cooperatives. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 1(2), 72-87. Retrieved from


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