Motivation and learning through B-Learning for high school students through an intragroup experimental study

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Byron Giovanny Bolaños-Caisapanta
Isabel María Gómez-Trigueros


This work analyzes the use of a virtual learning platform within the teaching-learning process as support for presence to verify the improvement of academic performance in Secondary students. Through a descriptive-participatory, quantitative methodology with two mixed questionnaires (pre and post) validated as research instruments, a diagnostic evaluation was carried out on a sample of 60 students in the biology subject of the third year of Baccalaureate. For this purpose, the questionnaire was distributed prior to the educational intervention with B-Learning; Subsequently, a virtual classroom was created within the Google Classroom platform, with disciplinary materials and interactive tasks for participating students to work on said content. Finally, the questionnaire was distributed again (post) to know the perception of the B-Learning resource after the intervention. The results show positive data about this type of resources and platforms in combination with face-to-face teaching. Furthermore, the motivating value of B-Learning and virtual classrooms for the teaching and learning of specific content and their capacity for the development of digital skills of 21st century citizens is confirmed.


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How to Cite
Bolaños-Caisapanta , B. ., & Gómez-Trigueros, I. (2024). Motivation and learning through B-Learning for high school students through an intragroup experimental study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 19-33.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Byron Giovanny Bolaños-Caisapanta , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Tenured professor in the subject of programming and databases in the computer science area at the Macas high school. 

Degrees completed in educational sciences with a mention in educational computing (March 2018). 

Positions held: teacher of programming, technical support, networks, IT area director, inspector 

Isabel María Gómez-Trigueros , Universidad de Alicante - España

Full Professor in the area of Knowledge of Didactics of Social Sciences. 

Department: General Didactics and Specific Didactics of the University of Alicante. Degrees completed: Bachelor's Degree in Geography and History (June 1997) and Degree in Religious Sciences (June 2020). Doctorate in Educational Sciences (December 2015). Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Positions held: Vice Dean of the Master of Educational Research and the Master of Teaching Staff in Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Official Language Schools. 


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