ICT in the teaching of English for basic education: a systematic review

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María Fernanda Yánez-Goyes
Karina Marilú Peñaherrera-Solarte
Esther Lucrecia Carlín-Chávez
Josué Reinaldo Bonilla-Tenesaca


This article has investigated the integration of ICT in Basic Education to improve the teaching of the English language. This has allowed significant information to be obtained by relating knowledge to reality, which is why it has been considered important to investigate the use of ICT in this process. A documentary review of a qualitative-descriptive, non-experimental nature has been carried out.

For the systematic search, different databases have been used such as: Scielo, Google Academic, Redalyc, La Reference, Dialnet and Refseek. Among the results, it has been highlighted that from a total of 100 articles and after rigorous filtering, 33 valid articles were obtained for this research, which meets the standards established in the selection. The results have revealed that ICT are effective tools to improve English learning, as they provide interactive and motivating resources for students. However, challenges have also been identified in the implementation of ICT, such as the lack of teacher training and limited access to technology in some schools, so it is suggested that teacher training be promoted and access to technologies be guaranteed. ICT to take advantage of its potential in teaching English in basic education.

Keywords: ICT, language teaching, basic education, English


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How to Cite
Yánez-Goyes, M., Peñaherrera-Solarte, K. ., Carlín-Chávez, E. ., & Bonilla-Tenesaca, J. . (2024). ICT in the teaching of English for basic education: a systematic review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 98-110. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2334
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

María Fernanda Yánez-Goyes, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Graduate in Economics at the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, I have a B2 certification in English. For four years I have been part of the teaching staff at the Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesús in Riobamba City and will soon have a Master's Degree in Education with a mention in Pedagogy in Digital Environments from the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador.

Karina Marilú Peñaherrera-Solarte, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


I am an engineer in Foreign Trade from ESPOCH, I am currently studying the Master's Degree in Education with a mention in Pedagogy in Digital Environments since I consider it very important to expand my knowledge and my opportunities both at work and on a personal level to be able to contribute to the productive development of the country and society, I also work as a teacher and I can say that it is the most enriching experience of my professional life, I am convinced that we are all responsible for contributing and working for the wellbeing of our children and young people.

Esther Lucrecia Carlín-Chávez, Universidad Estatal de Milagro - Ecuador


Research teacher with 20 years of experience in the design, development and evaluation of research projects and community service; Which has held positions of direction and coordination in higher education, currently accompanies students in research work, working with the collaborative approach in the construction and transfer of knowledge.

Josué Reinaldo Bonilla-Tenesaca, Universidad de Guayaquil / Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Josué Reinaldo Bonilla Tenesaca, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador (UBE) – Ecuador Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences. Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences with a major in English. Commercial Engineer. Master's degree in Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages with a specialization in English teaching. Master's degree in Educational Technology and Innovation. Professor and researcher at UBE. Author and creator of online learning platforms and MOOCs.


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