Analysis of the relationship between the use of educational technologies and the academic performance of university students

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Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández
Ana Elizabeth Tagua-Moyolema
Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López
Danny Germán Muyulema-Muyulema


This study examines the relationship between the use of educational technologies and the academic performance of university students, using a mixed methodological approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results reveal a moderate positive correlation between the use of online learning platforms and academic performance, highlighting that these tools can improve outcomes when used effectively. Technological competence is identified as a significant predictor of academic performance, underscoring the need for ongoing training in digital skills for students and teachers. In addition, access to a stable internet connection and appropriate devices is crucial for academic success, highlighting the importance of policies that address the digital divide. The study also shows that the impact of educational technologies varies according to students' academic motivation, technological competence, and socioeconomic background. Implications for educational practice include the need to invest in digital platforms, provide training in technological competencies, and promote equity in access to technological resources. The findings suggest that a personalized and equitable approach to technology integration can maximize its positive impact on learning.


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How to Cite
Velastegui-Hernández, R., Tagua-Moyolema, A., Miranda-López, X., & Muyulema-Muyulema, D. (2024). Analysis of the relationship between the use of educational technologies and the academic performance of university students. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 184-195.
Author Biographies

Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Industrial Engineer in Automation Processes, Master in Operations Management, student of the Doctorate Program in Engineering and Industrial Production. He currently carries out teaching and research activities, in addition to providing consulting services to public and private companies.

Ana Elizabeth Tagua-Moyolema, UNIANDES - Ecuador

Medical Surgeon graduated from the Autonomous

Regional University of the Andes ¨UNIANDES¨, Master in Occupational Health graduated from the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes ¨UNIANDES¨. Currently performing the functions of Occupational Doctor at the San Cristobal de Patate Municipal Gad. In the teaching part, I work as a hospital externship tutor at the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes ¨UNIANDES¨.

Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Education professional. Master in Educational Psychology; Master in Curriculum Design and Educational Evaluation, with experience in public and private Educational Institutions. Research teacher at the Technical University of Ambato, in the majors of: Basic Education, Psychopedagogy, Educational Psychology and Industrial Psychology. He has coordinated and executed Research Projects that have contributed significantly to the development of teaching-learning processes. He has contributed to the publication of several scientific articles, participating in presentations and conferences at the national and international level, exposing the results of the research carried out during his professional career.               Currently, he coordinates the Research Project called: Educational Innovation and strengthening of Critical Thinking from an inclusive approach, at the Technical University of Ambato-Ecuador, with innovative proposals to improve university educational quality.

Danny Germán Muyulema-Muyulema, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Civil Engineer, Master in Civil Engineering with mention in Metallic Structures. I currently carry out teaching and research activities, as well as teaching at the Technical University of Ambato.


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